naga mahjong - 麻雀AINAGA rMahjong on Reddit How strong wisnu 4d is Mortal Can I rely on it Introduction KillerDuckys homepage Introduction Riichi Mahjong is the Japanese variation of mahjong a combination of gin rummy and poker Many mahjong players can find the most efficient discard in the majority of hands but few can manage risk the way Suphx can In this 3part series of posts I will be going over a variety of haipai or opening hands played by Suphx and analyzing these decisions with Naga In the world of mahjong AI two stand out as the strongest There is Naga an efficient risktaking machine and Suphx its riskaverse yet highly aware counterpart Of these two AI Suphx is my favorite its macam macam bola besar dan bola kecil play is incredibly unique regularly sacrificing tile efficiency to manage risk I play on Tenhou and it is better than the vast majority of Tokujou players apparently the AI is at least 7D level which I totally believe The other prevalent analysis bot NAGA feels a lot more balanced and you can understand the reasoning behind most if not all its decisions Mahjong AI NAGA Japanese Mahjong Wiki riichiwiki Suphx Naga Haipai Efficiency Part 1 rMahjong Reddit Suphx Naga Haipai Efficiency Part 1 Blogger 麻雀AIのNAGAが天鳳の牌譜を解析します 天鳳特上卓十段を達成した麻雀AIが天鳳段位戦個室対局大会対局の牌譜について解析レポートを作成します 対局で悩んだ局面についてNAGAだったらどう打つのだろうかこの牌はどれぐらい危ない牌だったんだろうと調べたり自分では気づいていなかったミスを見つけたりすることが出来るかもしれません NAGAの打牌鳴き判断リーチ判断等の解析結果が必ずしも真に最善とは限りませんが一定水準の雀力がある麻雀AINAGAの解析が雀力向上に繋がれば幸いです NAGA牌譜解析レポートはNAGAチャンネルの会員向けサービスです Mahjong AI NAGA is a thirdparty replay analysis site provided in tenhounet The analysis is based on NAGA25 a mahjong AI bot with a heylink depo 10 bonus 10 10dan highest historical rank
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